This website has been designed as a “one stop shop” for Parishioners and the wider community and is intended to provide up to date and historical information on all Parish Council related matters, including Meetings and decisions. It is only a starting point and we are open to suggestions on how to improve the content.
Kington St Michael Parish Council provides a vital part of local democracy, representing views and guarding local interests with Wiltshire Council and many other agencies.
If you have any issues that affect our community then please contact the Clerk of the Council, or any Council Member and of course you are always very welcome to attend a Council Meeting.
In addition to this website the Parish has a village community website where a whole host of news and information is available on the community run shop, the primary school, the pub, the village hall, the social club, the café, St Michael & All Angels Parish Church and also the QE2 recreation field and adjoining Nymph Hay Wood. In fact anything that is happening in the numerous clubs and activities being held within the Parish that includes the hamlet of Easton Piercy. You will find many web links to all of these and much, much, more on the website at www.kingtonstmichael.com
You can always come to a meeting click here to find out when the next meeting will be held.