The Parish Council receives copies of planning applications within its area, and is given 14 days to make comments to the Planning Authority, Wiltshire Council.
Individuals may also make comments direct to the Planning Authority, which should be in writing to:
Planning Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN
Tel. 0300 456 0100 (all departments)
Tel. 01249-706444 (local number for enquiries for this area)
Email the planning department here
The Parish Council may also make comments on applications outside its boundaries that are thought to particularly affect affect the Parish.
Current applications, including plans, may be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website.
On occasion there can be some confusion as to the Parish Council’s role concerning applications for planning permission. Firstly residents should be aware that all planning decisions are made by Wiltshire Council and not the Parish Council. Accordingly if you wish to comment on an application to those who decide it you must do so directly to Wiltshire Council within the specified time.
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee in the planning process and is sent all applications within the parish upon which it can comment. If you wish to bring your own views on a planning application to the attention of the Parish Council, prior to it considering the application at its meeting, these need to be sent to the Clerk to the council as soon as possible. The Parish Council has to keep to the same response times to Wiltshire Council as everyone else.
Residents should remember that they can also raise their comments on a particular application directly with their Wiltshire Councillor, Howard Greenman – again within those all important time limits. Time is very much the key to have your voice properly heard.
Making A Planning Application
If you are considering or are about to make an on-line planning application via Wiltshire Council’s website, you will be redirected to the Planning Portal.
Unfortunately, if you choose to use autofill for your address, and if you happen to live along the main street (i.e. no** KSM) then you will find that it submits your address as being in Honeyknob Hill or C154 Road.
This causes confusion to those wishing to or needing to look at planning applications, and, in fact, there are only 8 properties which have the Honeyknob Hill address unsurprisingly 1 – 8 Honeyknob Hill).
The Parish Council is asking affected residents who make a planning application to please check that “Honeyknob Hill” or C154 road” isn’t included in the address (unless you are one of the eight!) and to enter the address manually.
If you spot this issue elsewhere, please let the Clerk to the Council know: .